Rebekkah Smith Aldrich (MLS, LEED AP, CSBA) is a passionate advocate for public libraries because she knows that libraries are empowerment engines in the communities that they serve. Rebekkah currently serves as the Executive Director of the Mid-Hudson Library System (NY), a cooperative library system with 66 public libraries. Rebekkah is the sustainability columnist for Library Journal, co-founder of the New York Library Association's Sustainability Initiative (NYLA-SI), a founding member of the American Library Association's (ALA) Sustainability Round Table and an advisory board member for ALA Center for the Future of Libraries. Named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker, Rebekkah is a frequent national presenter on the topic of leading libraries forward in smart, practical and effective ways. Rebekkah is the author of two titles from ALA Editions: Sustainable Thinking: Ensuring Your Library’s Future in an Uncertain Worldand Resilience (2018); in addition,she has authored the Handbook for New Library Directors in New York State and co-authored the Handbook for Library Trustees in New York State .