Division Councilor, United for Libraries
Christine Lind Hage has been a full-time public librarian for 45 years and has been responsible for five major library construction projects. Recognized as Michigan’s Librarian of the Year in 1997 she has published and presented widely on various public library subjects both nationally and internationally.
Christine has been a frequent contributor to PUBLIB and is the author of THE PUBLIC LIBRARY START-UP GUIDE published in 2004 by ALA. Within ALA Christine is a past president of the Public Library Association and a past president of United for Libraries. She also served as an ALA Councilor for 12+ years, and Chair of the Office of Information Technology’s America’s Libraries for the 21st Century Committee.
She knew she would be a librarian since she was 8 years old and has never worked anywhere but a library. She is currently the director of the Rochester Hills (MI) Public Library