Public libraries face ethical issues all the time. This session aims to create an open discussion about library core values and ethics. Inspired by a session at the 2020 Public Library Association Conference, our program provides real library ethical scenarios, followed by a discussion with a panel of experienced trainers. We will discuss sticky situations when personal ethics and professional ethics differ. This is a highly interactive session; audience participation is encouraged. Attendees will leave with a list of helpful resources and books.
Recordings & Resources
Library Ethics 101: What Would You Do?
Presenter: Patty Collins; Gail Santy; Maribeth Shafer, Library Consultants
Self-awareness for Social Justice Ally-ship
Presenter: Ruth de Jesus, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator
In this session, participants will be invited to explore privilege, prejudice, and inclusion through story-telling and critical self-reflection. This session is interactive and will explore both individual and collective aspects of practicing social justice.
Departures & Arrivals: Transitions and Succession Planning
Presenter: Kate Hall; Kathy Parker, Executive Director
Trustees will learn how to successfully prepare for the departure of a director due to retirement or moving to a new library. We will cover what the current director and board must put in place prior to the placement of a new director and discuss the role of trustees in successfully onboarding a new director and the transition of them into their new role. We will provide a checklist of items to prepare for new library directors that will be supplied after the presentation.
Wisconsin Library Ecosystem
Presenter: Shannon Schultz; John Thompson; Jennifer Thiele, Public Library Administration Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
Director of the IFLS Library System
Assistant Professor at Louisiana State University School of Library and Information Science
What is a library ecosystem and why is it important? In general terms, an ecosystem is a complex network or interconnected system. In today’s webinar, we’ll learn about the different partners involved in this ecosystem, beginning with a statewide perspective on how Wisconsin’s public libraries work. We will move our way through the public library system and the importance of system membership, then finish with libraries at the local level. Along the way, we’ll explore the statutory language that comes into play at each level, and we’ll provide links to resources that can be helpful.
Walk the Line: How Trustees Can Best Lead Their Libraries Without Overstepping Their Authority
Presenter: Becky Spratford, Readers' Advisor, Author, Librarian
Being a Trustee is an important job. You are part of a team that represents the tax payers, oversees the Library Director, and advocates for libraries. However, where exactly do your duties end and the Library staff's begin? This line, while very clear from a legal standpoint, can become a bit fuzzy in practice. Join Becky Spratford, a 20 + years librarian and 5 term library trustee as she helps you understand how to walk the fine line between being a leader and being in the way. She will go over how you as a Trustee can best help the Library thrive, noting when you should step in but also when you should back off, strengthening all of Wisconsin's Libraries in the process.